Response Objects

# ImageSearchApiResponse

Top level response model for successful Image Search API requests. The API can also respond back with an error response based on invalid subscription keys and rate limit events.

Field Type Description
type "images" The type of search API result. The value is always images.
query Query Image search query string.
results list [ ImageResult ] The list of image results for the given query.

# Query

A model representing information gathered around the requested query.

Field Type Description
original string The original query that was requested.
altered string The altered query by the spellchecker. This is the query that is used to search.
spellcheck_off bool Whether the spell checker is enabled or disabled.
show_strict_warning string The value is True if the lack of results is due to a 'strict' safesearch setting. Adult content relevant to the query was found, but was blocked by safesearch.

# ImageResult

A model representing an image result for the requested query.

Field Type Description
type image_result The type of image search API result. The value is always image_result.
title string The title of the image.
url string The original page url where the image was found.
source string The source domain where the image was found.
page_fetched string The iso date time when the page was last fetched. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail for the image.
properties Properties Metadata for the image.
meta_url MetaUrl Aggregated information on the url associated with the image search result.

# Thumbnail

Aggregated details representing the image thumbnail

Field Type Description
src string The served url of the image.

# Properties

Metadata on an image.

Field Type Description
url string The image URL.
placeholder string The lower resolution placeholder image url.

# MetaUrl

Aggregated information about a url.

Field Type Description
scheme string The protocol scheme extracted from the url.
netloc string The network location part extracted from the url.
hostname string The lowercased domain name extracted from the url.
favicon string The favicon used for the url.
path string The hierarchical path of the url useful as a display string.