Brave Summarizer Search API

Response Objects

# SummarizerSearchApiResponse

Top level response model for successful Summarizer Search API requests. The response will include the summarized content or answer based on the key. The API can also respond back with an error response based on the incompleted summarization request, invalid subscription keys, and rate limit events. Access to Summarizer requires a subscription to Pro AI plan.

type"summarizer"The type of summarizer search API result. The value is always summarizer.
statusstringThe current status of summarizer for the given key. The value can be either failed or complete.
titlestringThe title for the summary.
summarylist [ SummaryMessage ]Details for the summary message.
enrichmentsSummaryEnrichmentsEnrichments that can be added to the summary message.
followupslist [ string ]Followup queries relevant to the current query.
entities_infosdict [ string, SummaryEntityInfo ]Details on the entities in the summary message.

# SummaryMessage

The summary message.

typestringThe type of subset of a summary message. The value can be token (a text excerpt from the summary), enum_item (a summary entity), enum_start (describes the beginning of summary entities, which means the following item(s) in the summary list will be entities), or enum_end (the end of summary entities).
dataSummaryEntity | stringThe summary entity or the explanation for the type field. For type enum_start the value can be ol or ul, which means an ordered list or an unordered list of entities follows respectively. For type enum_end there is no value. For type token the value is a text excerpt. For type enum_item the value is the SummaryEntity response model.

# TextLocation

Index based location in a text.

startintThe 0 based index, where the important part of the text starts.
endintThe 0 based index, where the important part of the text ends.

# SummaryEntity

An entity in the summary message.

uuidstringA unique identifier for the entity.
namestringThe name of the entity.
urlstringThe url where further details on the entity can be found.
textstringA text message describing the entity.
imageslist [ SummaryImage ]The image associated with the entity.
highlightlist [ TextLocation ]The location of the entity in the summary message.

# Thumbnail

Aggregated details representing a picture thumbnail.

srcstringThe served url of the picture thumbnail.
originalstringThe original url of the image.

# ImageProperties

Metadata on an image.

urlstringThe image URL.

# Image

A model describing an image

thumbnailThumbnailThe thumbnail associated with the image.
urlstringThe url of the image.
propertiesImagePropertiesMetadata on the image.

# SummaryImage (Image)

An image associated with the summary.

textstringText associated with the image.

# SummaryEnrichments

Enrichments associated with the summary message.

rawstringThe raw summary message.
imageslist [ SummaryImage ]The images associated with the summary.
qalist [ SummaryAnswer ]The answers in the summary message.
entitieslist [ SummaryEntity ]The entities in the summary message.
contextlist [ SummaryContext ]References based on which the summary was built.

# SummaryAnswer

The answer if the query is a question.

answerstringThe answer text.
scorefloatA score associated with the answer.
highlightTextLocationThe location of the answer in the summary message.

# MetaUrl

Aggregated information about a url.

schemestringThe protocol scheme extracted from the url.
netlocstringThe network location part extracted from the url.
hostnamestringThe lowercased domain name extracted from the url.
faviconstringThe favicon used for the url.
pathstringThe hierarchical path of the url useful as a display string.

# SummaryContext

A reference for the summary.

titlestringThe title of the reference.
urlstringThe url where the reference can be found.
meta_urlMetaUrlDetails on the url associated with the reference.

# SummaryEntityInfo

Details on the entity in the summary message.

providerstringThe name of the provider.
descriptionstringDescription of the entity.