Suggest API

Query Parameters

# Suggest Search API

This table lists the query parameters supported by the Suggest Search API. Some are required, but most are optional.

qyesstringnoneThe user's suggest search query term. Query can not be empty. The max query length is 400 characters and word limit is 50.

The suggest search query country, where potentially the results could come from.

The country string is limited to 2 character country codes of supported countries. This is a just a hint for calculating suggest responses. For a list of supported supported values, see Country Codes.


The suggest search language preference, where potentially the results could come from.

The 2 or more character language code for which the suggest search results are provided. This is a just a hint for calculating suggest responses. For a list of possible values, see Language Codes.

countnoint5The number of suggestions returned. This is done as best effort. The maximum is 20.
richnobool0Whether to enhance suggestions with rich results. This requires a paid autosuggest subscription.