Suggest API

Response Objects

# SuggestSearchApiResponse

Top level response model for successful Suggest Search API requests. The API can also respond back with an error response based on invalid subscription keys and rate limit events.

type"suggest"The type of search api result. The value is always suggest.
queryQuerySuggest search query string. Only the original query is returned.
resultslist [ SuggestResult ]The list of suggestions for the given query.

# Query

A model representing information gathered around the requested query.

originalstringThe original query that was requested.

# SuggestResult

Suggestions for a query.

querystringSuggested query completion.
is_entityboolWhether the suggested enriched query is an entity.
titlestringThe suggested query enriched title.
descriptionstringThe suggested query enriched description.
imgstringThe suggested query enriched image url.