Brave Web Search API

Response Objects

# WebSearchApiResponse

Top level response model for successful Web Search API requests. The response will include the relevant keys based on the plan subscribed, query relevance or applied result_filter as a query parameter. The API can also respond back with an error response based on invalid subscription keys and rate limit events.

Field Type Description
type "search" The type of web search API result. The value is always search.
discussions Discussions Discussions clusters aggregated from forum posts that are relevant to the query.
faq FAQ Frequently asked questions that are relevant to the search query.
infobox GraphInfobox Aggregated information on an entity showable as an infobox.
locations Locations Places of interest (POIs) relevant to location sensitive queries.
mixed MixedResponse Preferred ranked order of search results.
news News News results relevant to the query.
query Query Search query string and its modifications that are used for search.
videos Videos Videos relevant to the query.
web Search Web search results relevant to the query.
summarizer Summarizer Summary key to get summary results for the query.

# LocalPoiSearchApiResponse

Top level response model for successful Local Search API request to get extra information for locations. The response will include a list of location results corresponding to the ids in the request. The API can also respond back with an error response in cases like too many ids being requested, invalid subscription keys, and rate limit events. Access to Local Search API requires a subscription to a Pro plan.

Field Type Description
type "local_pois" The type of local POI search API result. The value is always local_pois.
results list [ LocationResult ] Location results matching the ids in the request.

# LocalDescriptionsSearchApiResponse

Top level response model for successful Local Search API request to get AI generated description for locations. The response includes a list of generated descriptions corresponding to the ids in the request. The API can also respond back with an error response in cases like too many ids being requested, invalid subscription keys, and rate limit events. Access to Local Search API requires a subscription to a Pro plan.

Field Type Description
type "local_descriptions" The type of local description search API result. The value is always local_descriptions.
results list [ LocationDescription ] Location descriptions matching the ids in the request.

# Query

A model representing information gathered around the requested query.

Field Type Description
original string The original query that was requested.
show_strict_warning bool Whether there is more content available for query, but the response was restricted due to safesearch.
altered string The altered query for which the search was performed.
safesearch bool Whether safesearch was enabled.
is_navigational bool Whether the query is a navigational query to a domain.
is_geolocal bool Whether the query has location relevance.
local_decision string Whether the query was decided to be location sensitive.
local_locations_idx int The index of the location.
is_trending bool Whether the query is trending.
is_news_breaking bool Whether the query has news breaking articles relevant to it.
ask_for_location bool Whether the query requires location information for better results.
language Language The language information gathered from the query.
spellcheck_off bool Whether the spellchecker was off.
country string The country that was used.
bad_results bool Whether there are bad results for the query.
should_fallback bool Whether the query should use a fallback.
lat string The gathered location latitutde associated with the query.
long string The gathered location longitude associated with the query.
postal_code string The gathered postal code associated with the query.
city string The gathered city associated with the query.
state string The gathered state associated with the query.
header_country string The country for the request origination.
more_results_available bool Whether more results are available for the given query.
custom_location_label string Any custom location labels attached to the query.
reddit_cluster string Any reddit cluster associated with the query.

# Discussions

A model representing a discussion cluster relevant to the query.

Field Type Description
type "search" The type identifying a discussion cluster. Currently the value is always search.
results list [ DiscussionResult ] A list of discussion results.
mutated_by_goggles bool Whether the discussion results are changed by a Goggle. False by default.

# DiscussionResult (SearchResult)

A discussion result. These are forum posts and discussions that are relevant to the search query.

Field Type Description
type "discussion" The discussion result type identifier. The value is always discussion.
data ForumData The enriched aggregated data for the relevant forum post.

# ForumData

Defines a result from a discussion forum.

Field Type Description
forum_name string The name of the forum.
num_answers int The number of answers to the post.
score string The score of the post on the forum.
title string The title of the post on the forum.
question string The question asked in the forum post.
top_comment string The top-rated comment under the forum post.


Frequently asked questions relevant to the search query term.

Field Type Description
type "faq" The FAQ result type identifier. The value is always faq.
results list [ QA ] A list of aggregated question answer results relevant to the query.

# QA

A question answer result.

Field Type Description
question string The question being asked.
answer string The answer to the question.
title string The title of the post.
url string The url pointing to the post.
meta_url MetaUrl Aggregated information about the url.

# MetaUrl

Aggregated information about a url.

Field Type Description
scheme string The protocol scheme extracted from the url.
netloc string The network location part extracted from the url.
hostname string The lowercased domain name extracted from the url.
favicon string The favicon used for the url.
path string The hierarchical path of the url useful as a display string.

# SearchResult (Result)

Aggregated information on a web search result, relevant to the query.

Field Type Description
type "search_result" A type identifying a web search result. The value is always search_result.
subtype "generic" A sub type identifying the web search result type.
deep_results DeepResult Gathered information on a web search result.
schemas list [ list ] A list of schemas extracted from the web search result.
meta_url MetaUrl Aggregated information on the url associated with the web search result.
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail of the web search result.
age string A string representing the age of the web search result.
language string The main language on the web search result.
location LocationResult The location details if the query relates to a restaurant.
video VideoData The video associated with the web search result.
movie MovieData The movie associated with the web search result.
faq FAQ Any frequently asked questions associated with the web search result.
qa QAPage Any question answer information associated with the web search result page.
book Book Any book information associated with the web search result page.
rating Rating Rating found for the web search result page.
article Article An article found for the web search result page.
product ProductReview The main product and a review that is found on the web search result page.
product_cluster list [ ProductReview ] A list of products and reviews that are found on the web search result page.
cluster_type string A type representing a cluster. The value can be product_cluster.
cluster list [ Result ] A list of web search results.
creative_work CreativeWork Aggregated information on the creative work found on the web search result.
music_recording MusicRecording Aggregated information on music recording found on the web search result.
review Review Aggregated information on the review found on the web search result.
software Software Aggregated information on a software product found on the web search result page.
recipe Recipe Aggregated information on a recipe found on the web search result page.
organization Organization Aggregated information on a organization found on the web search result page.
content_type string The content type associated with the search result page.
extra_snippets list [ string ] A list of extra alternate snippets for the web search result.

# Result

A model representing a web search result.

Field Type Description
title string The title of the web page.
url string The url where the page is served.
is_source_local bool
is_source_both bool
description string A description for the web page.
page_age string A date representing the age of the web page.
page_fetched string A date representing when the web page was last fetched.
profile Profile A profile associated with the web page.
language string A language classification for the web page.
family_friendly bool Whether the web page is family friendly.

# AbstractGraphInfobox (Result)

Shared aggregated information on an entity from a knowledge graph.

Field Type Description
type "infobox" The infobox result type identifier. The value is always infobox.
position int The position on a search result page.
label string Any label associated with the entity.
category string Category classification for the entity.
long_desc string A longer description for the entity.
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail associated with the entity.
attributes list [ list [ string ] ] A list of attributes about the entity.
profiles list [ Profile ] | list [ DataProvider ] The profiles associated with the entity.
website_url string The official website pertaining to the entity.
ratings list [ Rating ] Any ratings given to the entity.
providers list [ DataProvider ] A list of data sources for the entity.
distance Unit A unit representing quantity relevant to the entity.
images list [ Thumbnail ] A list of images relevant to the entity.
movie MovieData Any movie data relevant to the entity. Appears only when the result is a movie.

# GenericInfobox (AbstractGraphInfobox)

Aggregated information on a generic entity from a knowledge graph.

Field Type Description
subtype "generic" The infobox subtype identifier. The value is always generic.
found_in_urls list [ string ] List of urls where the entity was found.

# EntityInfobox (AbstractGraphInfobox)

Aggregated information on an entity from a knowledge graph.

Field Type Description
subtype "entity" The infobox subtype identifier. The value is always entity.

# QAInfobox (AbstractGraphInfobox)

A question answer infobox.

Field Type Description
subtype "code" The infobox subtype identifier. The value is always code.
data QAPage The question and relevant answer.
meta_url MetaUrl Detailed information on the page containing the question and relevant answer.

# InfoboxWithLocation (AbstractGraphInfobox)

An infobox with location.

Field Type Description
subtype "location" The infobox subtype identifier. The value is always location.
is_location bool Whether the entity a location.
coordinates list [ float ] The coordinates of the location.
zoom_level int The map zoom level.
location LocationResult The location result.

# InfoboxPlace (AbstractGraphInfobox)

An infobox for a place, such as a business.

Field Type Description
subtype "place" The infobox subtype identifier. The value is always place.
location LocationResult The location result.

# GraphInfobox

Aggregated information on an entity shown as an infobox.

Field Type Description
type "graph" The type identifier for infoboxes. The value is always graph.
results GenericInfoboxQAInfoboxInfoboxPlaceInfoboxWithLocationEntityInfobox A list of infoboxes associated with the query.

# QAPage

Aggreated result from a question answer page.

Field Type Description
question string The question that is being asked.
answer Answer An answer to the question.

# Answer

A response representing an answer to a question on a forum.

Field Type Description
text string The main content of the answer.
author string The name of the author of the answer.
upvoteCount int Number of upvotes on the answer.
downvoteCount int The number of downvotes on the answer.

# Thumbnail

Aggregated details representing a picture thumbnail.

Field Type Description
src string The served url of the picture thumbnail.
original string The original url of the image.

# LocationWebResult (Result)

A model representing a web result related to a location.

Field Type Description
meta_url MetaUrl Aggregated information about the url.

# LocationResult (Result)

A result that is location relevant.

Field Type Description
type "location_result" Location result type identifier. The value is always location_result.
id string A Temporary id associated with this result, which can be used to retrieve extra information about the location. It remains valid for 8 hours..
provider_url string The complete url of the provider.
coordinates list [ float ] A list of coordinates associated with the location. This is a lat long represented as a floating point.
zoom_level int The zoom level on the map.
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail associated with the location.
postal_address PostalAddress The postal address associated with the location.
opening_hours OpeningHours The opening hours, if it is a business, associated with the location .
contact Contact The contact of the business associated with the location.
price_range string A display string used to show the price classification for the business.
rating Rating The ratings of the business.
distance Unit The distance of the location from the client.
profiles list [ DataProvider ] Profiles associated with the business.
reviews Reviews Aggregated reviews from various sources relevant to the business.
pictures PictureResults A bunch of pictures associated with the business.
action Action An action to be taken.
serves_cuisine list [ string ] A list of cuisine categories served.
categories list [ string ] A list of categories.
icon_category string An icon category.
results LocationWebResult Web results related to this location.
timezone string IANA timezone identifier.
timezone_offset string The utc offset of the timezone.

# LocationDescription

AI generated description of a location result.

Field Type Description
type "local_description" The type of a location description. The value is always local_description.
id string A Temporary id of the location with this description.
description string AI generated description of the location with the given id.

# Locations

A model representing location results.

Field Type Description
type "locations" Location type identifier. The value is always locations.
results list [ LocationResult ] An aggregated list of location sensitive results.

# MixedResponse

The ranking order of results on a search result page.

Field Type Description
type "mixed" The type representing the model mixed. The value is always mixed.
main list [ ResultReference ] The ranking order for the main section of the search result page.
top list [ ResultReference ] The ranking order for the top section of the search result page.
side list [ ResultReference ] The ranking order for the side section of the search result page.

# ResultReference

The ranking order of results on a search result page.

Field Type Description
type string The type of the result.
index int The 0th based index where the result should be placed.
all bool Whether to put all the results from the type at specific position.

# Videos

A model representing video results.

Field Type Description
type videos The type representing the videos. The value is always videos.
results list [ VideoResult ] A list of video results.
mutated_by_goggles bool Whether the video results are changed by a Goggle. False by default.

# News

A model representing news results.

Field Type Description
type news The type representing the news. The value is always news.
results list [ NewsResult ] A list of news results.
mutated_by_goggles bool Whether the news results are changed by a Goggle. False by default.

# NewsResult

A model representing news results.

Field Type Description
meta_url MetaUrl The aggregated information on the url representing a news result
source string The source of the news.
breaking bool Whether the news result is currently a breaking news.
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail associated with the news result.
age string A string representing the age of the news article.
extra_snippets list [ string ] A list of extra alternate snippets for the news search result.

# PictureResults

A model representing a list of pictures.

Field Type Description
viewMoreUrl string A url to view more pictures.
results list [ Thumbnail ] A list of thumbnail results.

# Action

A model representing an action to be taken.

Field Type Description
type string The type representing the action.
url string A url representing the action to be taken.

# PostalAddress

A model representing a postal address of a location

Field Type Description
type "PostalAddress" The type identifying a postal address. The value is always PostalAddress.
country string The country associated with the location.
postalCode string The postal code associated with the location.
streetAddress string The street address associated with the location.
addressRegion string The region associated with the location. This is usually a state.
addressLocality string The address locality or subregion associated with the location.
displayAddress string The displayed address string.

# OpeningHours

Opening hours of a bussiness at a particular location.

Field Type Description
current_day list [ DayOpeningHours ] The current day opening hours. Can have two sets of opening hours.
days list [ list [ DayOpeningHours ] ] The opening hours for the whole week.

# DayOpeningHours

A model representing the opening hours for a particular day for a business at a particular location.

Field Type Description
abbr_name string A short string representing the day of the week.
full_name string A full string representing the day of the week.
opens string A 24 hr clock time string for the opening time of the business on a particular day.
closes string A 24 hr clock time string for the closing time of the business on a particular day.

# Contact

A model representing contact information for an entity.

Field Type Description
email string The email address.
telephone string The telephone number.

# DataProvider

A model representing the data provider associated with the entity.

Field Type Description
type "external" The type representing the source of data. This is usually external.
name string The name of the data provider. This can be a domain.
url string The url where the information is coming from.
long_name string The long name for the data provider.
img string The served url for the image data.

# Profile

A profile of an entity.

Field Type Description
name string The name of the profile.
long_name string The long name of the profile.
url string The original url where the profile is available.
img string The served image url representing the profile.

# Unit

A model representing a unit of measurement.

Field Type Description
value float The quantity of the unit.
units string The name of the unit associated with the quantity.

# MovieData

Aggregated data for a movie result.

Field Type Description
name string Name of the movie.
description string A short plot summary for the movie.
url string A url serving a movie profile page.
thumbnail Thumbnail A thumbnail for a movie poster.
release string The release date for the movie.
directors list [ Person ] A list of people responsible for directing the movie.
actors list [ Person ] A list of actors in the movie.
rating Rating Rating provided to the movie from various sources.
duration string The runtime of the movie. The format is HH:MM:SS.
genre list [ string ] List of genres in which the movie can be classified.
query string The query that resulted in the movie result.

# Thing

A model describing a generic thing.

Field Type Description
type "thing" A type identifying a thing. The value is always thing.
name string The name of the thing.
url string A url for the thing.
thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail associated with the thing.

# Person (Thing)

A model describing a person entity.

Field Type Description
type "person" A type identifying a person. The value is always person.

# Rating

The rating associated with an entity.

Field Type Description
ratingValue float The current value of the rating.
bestRating float Best rating received.
reviewCount int The number of reviews associated with the rating.
profile Profile The profile associated with the rating.
is_tripadvisor bool Whether the rating is coming from Tripadvisor.

# Book

A model representing a book result.

Field Type Description
title string The title of the book.
author list [ Person ] The author of the book.
date string The publishing date of the book.
price Price The price of the book.
pages int The number of pages in the book.
publisher Person The publisher of the book.
rating Rating A gathered rating from different sources associated with the book.

# Price

A model representing the price for an entity.

Field Type Description
price string The price value in a given currency.
price_currency string The current of the price value.

# Article

A model representing an article.

Field Type Description
author list [ Person ] The author of the article.
date string The date when the article was published.
publisher Organization The name of the publisher for the article.
thumbnail Thumbnail A thumbnail associated with the article.
isAccessibleForFree bool Whether the article is free to read or is behind a paywall.

# ContactPoint (Thing)

A way to contact an entity.

Field Type Description
type "contact_point" A type string identifying a contact point. The value is always contact_point.
telephone string The telephone number of the entity.
email string The email address of the entity.

# Organization (Thing)

An entity responsible for another entity.

Field Type Description
type "organization" A type string identifying an organization. The value is always organization.
contact_points list [ ContactPoint ] A list of contact points for the organization.

# HowTo

Aggregated information on a how to.

Field Type Description
text string The how to text.
name string A name for the how to.
url string A url associated with the how to.
image list [ string ] A list of image urls associated with the how to.

# Recipe

Aggregated information on a recipe.

Field Type Description
title string The title of the recipe.
description string The description of the recipe.
thumbnail Thumbnail A thumbnail associated with the recipe.
url string The url of the web page where the recipe was found.
domain string The domain of the web page where the recipe was found.
favicon string The url for the favicon of the web page where the recipe was found.
time string The total time required to cook the recipe.
prep_time string The preparation time for the recipe.
cook_time string The cooking time for the recipe.
ingredients string Ingredients required for the recipe.
instructions list [ HowTo ] List of instructions for the recipe.
servings int How many people the recipe serves.
calories int Calorie count for the recipe.
rating Rating Aggregated information on the ratings associated with the recipe.
recipeCategory string The category of the recipe.
recipeCuisine string The cuisine classification for the recipe.
video VideoData Aggregated information on the cooking video associated with the recipe.

# Product

A model representing a product.

Field Type Description
type "Product" A string representing a product type. The value is always product.
name string The name of the product.
price string The price of the product.
thumbnail Thumbnail A thumbnail associated with the product.
description string The description of the product.
offers list [ Offer ] A list of offers available on the product.
rating Rating A rating associated with the product.

# Offer

An offer associated with a product.

Field Type Description
url string The url where the offer can be found.
priceCurrency string The currency in which the offer is made.
price string The price of the product currently on offer.

# Review

A model representing a review for an entity.

Field Type Description
type "review" A string representing review type. This is always review.
name string The review title for the review.
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail associated with the reviewer.
description string A description of the review (the text of the review itself).
rating Rating The ratings associated with the review.

# Reviews

The reviews associated with an entity.

Field Type Description
results list [ TripAdvisorReview ] A list of trip advisor reviews for the entity.
viewMoreUrl string A url to a web page where more information on the result can be seen.
reviews_in_foreign_language bool Any reviews available in a foreign language.

# TripAdvisorReview

A model representing a Tripadvisor review.

Field Type Description
title string The title of the review.
description string A description seen in the review.
date string The date when the review was published.
rating Rating A rating given by the reviewer.
author Person The author of the review.
review_url string A url link to the page where the review can be found.
language string The language of the review.

# CreativeWork

A creative work relevant to the query. An example can be enriched metadata for an app.

Field Type Description
name string The name of the creative work.
thumbnail Thumbnail A thumbnail associated with the creative work.
rating Rating A rating that is given to the creative work.

# MusicRecording

Result classified as a music label or a song.

Field Type Description
name string The name of the song or album.
thumbnail Thumbnail A thumbnail associated with the music.
rating Rating The rating of the music.

# Software

A model representing a software entity.

Field Type Description
name string The name of the software product.
author string The author of software product.
version string The latest version of the software product.
codeRepository string The code repository where the software product is currently available or maintained.
homepage string The home page of the software product.
datePublisher string The date when the software product was published.
is_npm bool Whether the software product is available on npm.
is_pypi bool Whether the software product is available on pypi.
stars int The number of stars on the repository.
forks int The numbers of forks of the repository.
ProgrammingLanguage string The programming language spread on the software product.

# DeepResult

Aggregated deep results from news, social, videos and images.

Field Type Description
news list [ NewsResult ] A list of news results associated with the result.
buttons list [ ButtonResult ] A list of buttoned results associated with the result.
social list [ KnowledgeGraphProfile ] Social profile associated with the result.
videos list [ VideoResult ] Videos associated with the result.
images list [ Image ] Images associated with the result.

# VideoResult (Result)

A model representing a video result.

Field Type Description
type "video_result" The type identifying the video result. The value is always video_result.
video VideoData Meta data for the video.
meta_url MetaUrl Aggregated information on the URL
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail of the video.
age string A string representing the age of the video.

# VideoData

A model representing metadata gathered for a video.

Field Type Description
duration string A time string representing the duration of the video. The format can be HH:MM:SS or MM:SS.
views string The number of views of the video.
creator string The creator of the video.
publisher string The publisher of the video.
thumbnail Thumbnail A thumbnail associated with the video.

# ButtonResult

A result which can be used as a button.

Field Type Description
type "button_result" A type identifying button result. The value is always button_result.
title string The title of the result.
url string The url for the button result.

# KnowledgeGraphEntity

Represents a knowledge graph entity.

Field Type Description
title string A short title describing the entity.
description string A description of the entity.
url URL The url representing the entity.
thumbnail URL The thumbnail associated with the entity.

# KnowledgeGraphProfile (KnowledgeGraphEntity)

Represents an entity profile from a knowledge graph.

Field Type Description
url URL The url representing the profile.
description string A description of the profile.


A model representing a URL.

Field Type Description
original string The original source URL.
display string The display URL.
alternatives list [ string ] An alternative representation of a URL.
canonical string The canonical form of the URL.
mobile MobileUrlItem A mobile friendly version of the URL.

# MobileUrlItem

A mobile friendly representation of the URL.

Field Type Description
original string The original source URL.
amp string The amp version of the URL.
android string An android friendly version of the URL.
ios string An ios friendly version of the URL.

# Image

A model describing an image

Field Type Description
thumbnail Thumbnail The thumbnail associated with the image.
url string The url of the image.
properties ImageProperties Metadata on the image.

# Language

A model representing a language.

Field Type Description
main string The main language seen in the string.

# ImageProperties

Metadata on an image.

Field Type Description
url string The image URL.

# TextLocation

Index based location in a text.

Field Type Description
start int The 0 based index, where the important part of the text starts.
end int The 0 based index, where the important part of the text ends.

# ReferenceSource

Index based location in a text for a particular reference.

Field Type Description
type string The type of search API result reference source.
name string The domain name of the source.
url string The url of the source.
img string The favicon url for the domain.
locations list [ TextLocation ] The location indices of the substring in the source text which is coming from the reference.

# Summarizer

Details on getting the summary.

Field Type Description
type "summarizer" The value is always summarizer.
key string The key for the summarizer API.